Lab Members
Principal Investigator
Nicole M. Thometz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, University of San Francisco
Ph.D. 2014 Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UC Santa Cruz
B.S. 2008 Biology, University of Portland
Dr. Thometz is a broadly trained physiological ecologist who specializes in marine mammal physiology, ecology, & behavior. A longstanding area of interest includes the ontogeny of energy demands, development of diving capacities, reproductive energetics, and foraging behavior of sea otters. Currently, her main research focus concerns the unique physiology, diving capacities, and behavioral flexibility of Arctic phocids, specifically: ringed, bearded, and spotted seals. In addition, she has studied the foraging behavior and diving physiology of Weddell seals in the Antarctic, the metabolic demands and diving capacities of Hawaiian monk seals, and the comparative physiology of sound production muscles in a variety of odontocete species.
Past Graduate Student Researchers
Sophia Lyon
Master's Student, University of San Francisco
M.S. 2021 Biology, University of San Francisco
B.S. 2016 Biology, Santa Clara University
Thesis: "Investigations of southern sea otter foraging ecology at the northern range extent".
Michelle Hartwick
Master's Student, University of San Francisco
M.S. 2020 Biology, University of San Francisco
B.S. 2016 Marine Biology, UC Santa Cruz
Thesis: "Assessing seasonal changes in body condition for spotted (Phoca largha), ringed (Pusa hispida), and bearded (Erignathus barbatus) seals".
Mariah Tengler
M.S. 2019 Biology, University of San Francisco
B.S. 2015 Marine Biology, Alaska Pacific University
Thesis: "Physiological development of locomotor muscle in ringed, bearded and spotted seals".
Past Undergraduate Researchers
Lexy Anderson
B.S. Biology 2020
Audrey Sun
B.S. Biology 2020
Bensu Tangil
B.S. Biology 2020
Amanda Telfer
B.S. Biology 2020
Esther Grady
B.S. Biology 2019
If you are interested in joining the Thometz Lab as an undergraduate or master's student, please email Dr. Thometz at nthometz @ In your email be sure to include your CV as well as a brief description of your research interests and career goals.