Past & Current Areas of Research
Sea Otters:
• Reproductive energetics of female sea otters
• Ontogeny of energy demands and diving abilities
• Foraging behavior and diving physiology
• PHOCAS: Physiology and Health of Cooperating Arctic Seals
• Metabolic demands and diving capacities of Hawaiian monk seals
• Foraging behavior and diving physiology of Weddell Seals
NMFS 18902
• Comparative physiology of cetacean vocal musculature
• Assessing the energetic consequences of increasing oceanic noise
• Comparative physiology of locomotor muscles
Research Collaborators
University of California, Santa Cruz (Drs. Colleen Reichmuth, Terrie Williams, Jim Estes, & Robin Dunkin)
University of British Columbia (Dr. David Rosen)
Alaska SeaLife Center
U.S. Geological Survey
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Hendrix College (Dr. Jennifer Dearolf)
NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center (Drs. Dawn Noren & Marla Holt)
California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Alaska Department of Fish and Game